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Durand Lodge #179 F. & A.M.

Home of the Williams Balcony

Master's Message - March 2024


I would like to ask you all a question, what is your current Masonic project? Is it a lecture, a presentation, a Lodge project, education or mentorship? Whatever it is, Masonry is better because of your efforts. Doors are meant to be opened, so open the door to your masonic journey and engage in an honorable pursuit.

There are various ways you can benefit and serve the craft. You only have to ask yourself, “what are my interests?” then you will have a clear direction. The brethren will always support you as your project is being constructed. The product of your labors will benefit those that understand and appreciate the efforts it takes.

Often times it is not the finished product that is the benefit, but the path to get there. Always be mindful of what is necessary to build that superb edifice. Regardless of your project, you will find that the brethren and the craft will be better because of it.

John Schiess
Worshipful Master